M - An aggregate statistic, to identify systematic heterogeneity patterns and their direction of effect in meta-analysis
M quantitatively describes systematic (non-random) heterogeneity patterns acting across multiple variants in a GWAS meta-analysis. It’s primary use is to identify outlier studies, which either show “null” effects or consistently show stronger or weaker genetic effects than average across, the panel of variants examined in a meta-analysis.
M differs from conventional heterogeneity metrics (Q-statistic, I2), in that, it measures heterogeneity across multiple independently associated variants, whilst (Q-statistic, I2) measure heterogeneity at individual variants. Essentially, M measures systematic heterogeneity, whilst (Q-statistic, I2) measure random variant-specific heterogeneity.
Sources of systematic heterogeneity
Systematic heterogeneity can arise in a meta-analysis due to differences in the study characteristics of participating studies. Some of the differences may include: ancestry, allele frequencies, phenotype definition, age-of-disease onset, family-history, gender, linkage disequilibrium and quality control thresholds.
Practical benefits of exploring systematic heterogeneity
Reveal studies showing systematically weaker effects than average which could lower the power of a meta-analysis to detect genetic signals. For example, outlier studies that pass typical quality control checks (genotype call rate, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium cutoffs, genomic control) but might show no association with phenotype of interest due to faulty genotype data (e.g. flipped alleles and/or strands, incorrect minor allele frequencies).
Reveal studies showing systematically stronger effects than average which can elucidate biologically important differences among the studies e.g. sexual dimorphism or sub-phenotype variability.
Installation: Stata
- Install getmstatistic Stata command from SSC
- Start stata
- To install the getmstatistic stata module:
ssc install getmstatistic
- To get the example dataset in your current working directory:
net get getmstatistic
- You’re all set, getmstatistic is installed, try some of the examples in the getmstatistic help file
Tip! getmstatistic depends on the following user-written Stata commands which can be installed
using ssc install package-name
or findit package-name
- latabstat
- metareg
- savesome
- tabstat
- qqvalue
A full list of getmstatistic dependencies can be found in the help file.
Install getmstatistic Stata command manually
Download the getmstatistic zip file:
1. Unzip the folder
Tip! the folder should contain the following files: getmstatistic.ado getmstatistic.sthlp heartgenes214.dta
2. Start stata
3. Locate your personal directory where stata stores user generated files by typing: `sysdir`
Tip! on mac the ado/personal directory is likely to be at: ~/Library/Application Support/Stata/ado/personal/
for linux: ~/ado/personal/
for windows: c:\ado\personal\
4. Copy getmstatistic.ado and getmstatistic.sthlp to the g sub-directory in personal
Tip! if the g sub-directory does not exist, that just means you do not have user generated commands
that start with the letter g. In that case create a folder named g in the personal directory.
5. Type help getmstatistic in Stata to open the getmstatistic help file.
6. Load the example dataset: heartgenes214.dta
7. You're all set, getmstatistic is installed, try some of the examples in the getmstatistic help file
Installation: getmstatistic R package
# To install the release version from CRAN:
# Load libraries
library(getmstatistic) # for calculating M statistics
library(gridExtra) # for generating tables
# To install the development version from GitHub:
# install devtools
# install getmstatistic
# Load libraries
library(getmstatistic) # for calculating M statistics
library(gridExtra) # for generating tables
- Take a look at an example workflow
- Essentially, M statistics are computed by aggregating standardized predicted random effects (SPREs). To read up about the statistical theory behind the M statistic see:
Magosi LE, Goel A, Hopewell JC, Farrall M, on behalf of the CARDIoGRAMplusC4D Consortium (2017) Identifying systematic heterogeneity patterns in genetic association meta-analysis studies. PLoS Genet 13(5): e1006755.
Getting help
To suggest new features, learn about getmstatistic updates, report bugs, ask questions about the mstatistic, or just interact with other users, sign up to the getmstatistic mailing list.
Code of conduct
Contributions are welcome. Please observe the Contributor Code of Conduct when participating in this project.
Magosi LE, Goel A, Hopewell JC, Farrall M, on behalf of the CARDIoGRAMplusC4D Consortium (2017) Identifying systematic heterogeneity patterns in genetic association meta-analysis studies. PLoS Genet 13(5): e1006755.
Roger M. Harbord’s metareg command for computation of standardized predicted random effects which are then incorporated into calculations for the M statistics. Harbord, R. M., & Higgins, J. P. T. (2008). Meta-regression in Stata. Stata Journal 8: 493‚Äì519.
Lerato E. Magosi, Jemma C. Hopewell and Martin Farrall.
Lerato E. Magosi or
See the LICENSE file.